Easter 16 results

Easter Bunny Pancakes

  Did your mom always tell you to not play with your food?! Well, for this Easter Breakfast, we wanted to get the kids involved. What better way to have our Easter breakfast than with pancakes. And to make it even better,  let the Little Chefs make them into Easter Bunnies! My Little Chefs LOVE pancakes. We eat pancakes not just for breakfast, but for lunch and dinner as well. This is why I needed to make a homemade pancake recipe that we loved. For this recipe I like to add and change ...

Stitched Easter Egg

Where did the idea of a Stitched Easter Egg come from? I was taught how to cross stitch by my Mom when I was young. I started with small easy projects and progressed to large ballet themed pictures with MANY colors and details. I thought my Little Chefs were ready to begin learning this skill. Easter Eggs are so fun to decorate because there are no limitations. We decided to learn how to do a few simple stitches on egg shaped plastic canvas'. Ingredients plastic canvas plastic canvas ...

Mandarin Orange Jello with Lemon Pudding

This family recipe comes from my mom! Growning up Mandarin Orange Jello with Lemon Pudding was a frequent side dish for our holiday and birthday dinners. Still to this day, I request my mom to make it for family dinner on my birthday. This recipe has now become one of my Little Chefs favorites. Along with the colored eggs and baskets filled with candy, Easter also means a Honey Baked Ham for dinner.  As we thought about what to go along with our ham, this childhood recipe popped into my ...

Countdown to Easter

Countdown to Easter with some fun activities! The excitement and anticipation my Little Chefs have the week leading up to any holiday seems uncontainable! They NEED to decorate the house even more, do more easter crafts, plan more activities....they love celebrating anything really. This Easter Countdown is a fun way to contain all that energy, at least a bit of it! If they know I will be doing something Easter related each day they will be super excited for that one activity and then use ...