Android Apps 2 results

5 Color Apps for Android – Learning Apps for Active Learning

I have been trying to teach my Haley her colors for almost 2 years. I started teaching her at the same age I started teaching my 3 older girls. For some reason, possibly her brain tumor, possibly not, she has not been able to learn them. I know some kids don't learn them until Kindergarten and perhaps I should just leave her be and hope that she will get it later but that isn't me. I've since learned that she does know some of her colors but she is unable to recall the words when I ...

Learning Apps for Active Learning: Numbers/Counting Android

It has been about 16 months since Haley went in for brain surgery to have her tumor removed. She was 2 1/2 when we discovered she had a major problem which we later learned was cancer. She was a smart girl who was talking at 18 months. Post surgery we have realized her brain works a little differently. We have learned to patiently wait while her brain heals. That hasn't been the easiest! She is now 4 and in preschool. You could look at Haley, have a short conversation with her and then ...