day : 12/04/2012 2 results

Market Street Au Gratin Potatoes

Five Little Chefs - Market Street Au Gratin Potatoes This was the first time Little Chef C peeled the potatoes without having one drop into the sink! We both were very excited! We have used the mandolin many time to slice potatoes. It works with limited success. This time I had a different idea for cutting, the food processor! Little Chef C had a great time dropping the potatoes into the hole and watching them shoot out the bottom into the bowl. She also grated the cheese in the same ...

Breathing Space – A Blogger Retreat

I am SO excited to attend Breathing Space a blogger retreat in Daybreak, Utah on May 4-5, 2012. I stumbled onto a post about this conference a couple weeks ago. I thought it would be good to meet other bloggers, especially because I'm new to this whole blogging world! My next thought was would it be fun going alone, not knowing anyone? After some more research and contemplation I decided to jump in and do something way out of my comfort zone and go. They said I would be provided with my new ...