Craft 146 results

Stitched Easter Egg

Where did the idea of a Stitched Easter Egg come from? I was taught how to cross stitch by my Mom when I was young. I started with small easy projects and progressed to large ballet themed pictures with MANY colors and details. I thought my Little Chefs were ready to begin learning this skill. Easter Eggs are so fun to decorate because there are no limitations. We decided to learn how to do a few simple stitches on egg shaped plastic canvas'. Ingredients plastic canvas plastic canvas ...

Countdown to Easter

Countdown to Easter with some fun activities! The excitement and anticipation my Little Chefs have the week leading up to any holiday seems uncontainable! They NEED to decorate the house even more, do more easter crafts, plan more activities....they love celebrating anything really. This Easter Countdown is a fun way to contain all that energy, at least a bit of it! If they know I will be doing something Easter related each day they will be super excited for that one activity and then use ...

St Patrick Day Scavenger Hunt

A St Patrick Day Scavenger Hunt is always a hit with my Little Chefs! On that special day the leprechauns will be out roaming your homes and schools for the fun and enjoyment of all the little ones. St. Patrick's Day to my family is all about leprechauns, rainbows, gold coins and clovers. All day long they want to see decorations, food and have activities with this theme. Why not? It makes the day fun! That is what is so great about this St. Patrick's Day Scavenger Hunt. To make things a ...

Dr Seuss Craft – “There’s a Wocket in my Pocket”

Dr Seuss Day is this Saturday! My Little Chefs LOVE Dr Seuss books. We celebrate each year with fun crafts, treats, and read our favorite books. One of our favorite books is There's a Wocket in My Pocket! And who doesn't just love this book of ridiculous rhymes! Strange creatures with even stranger names, living on ordinary pieces of furniture and areas around a little boy's home.  After reading this book, my Little Chefs decided they wanted to create their very own strange creature! They ...

Butterfly Melted Crayon Art

What do you do with all your broken crayon pieces? We make crayon melting art. It is an easy craft that is fun to do for a family night or when friends come to play. It seems every time my Little Chefs get out the box of crayons they are not fully picked up and either I step on one and break it in two, or Little Chef H thinks it is fun to break the crayons in two. She thinks she is so strong to be able to do this! I have a hard time throwing them out because I know there HAS to be ...

“DOH” You you want to be my Valentine?

With all the candy around at Valentine's Day (and don't get us wrong, we LOVE conversation hearts and cinnamon bears) we try to give a little more love than just candy. This year we decided to give a homemade playdough Valentine gift to all the Little Chef's friends. This playdough recipe we created by combining a couple different recipes.  We LOVE this recipe because  it is so smooth and not crumbly, it will last forever (I think I just threw away a batch from last October!),  and the ...

Fold-Out Heart Card

We have been having fun with origami and paper lately. Some attempts have been successful, while others have failed miserably. If I can't figure out the directions to teach it to my Little Chefs quickly they get bored and distracted and move on to something else. This fold-out heart card was one of our successful attempts. It was also fun because Little Chef C was immediately able to write a valentine for Grandma and Grandpa. Not only was she able to show them her creative work, but she was ...

Heart String Theory

February 1st is just a few days away. As I have said before my Little Chefs LOVE holidays. This year, starting on February 1st, we are going to make a paper heart garland. For each act of love shown for another family member one heart will be added to our garland. We are excited to see how long our garland will be come February 14th! To get them excited about the idea we all sat down with different colors of construction paper in valentine colors; red, pink and white. They each practiced ...

Stitched Heart Garland

I made this super cute Stitched Heart Garland with my girls because it is an easy craft for our Valentine's Day decor and for one more very important purpose. This craft has two objectives: Valentine's Day is coming soon and my Little Chefs LOVE holidays! They love the food, the surprise, and especially love decorating! They find any boxes of decorations that I have and decorate the house themselves. If I do not have enough to make our home or their rooms festive enough they MAKE ...

Marble Painting

My Little Chefs LOVE to paint! Whenever we are painting the house inside or out they want to help. Anytime they see their paints they want to do it NOW. I have a love/hate relationship with paint because it can be so messy with little ones! I always seem to have a little one who makes the biggest mess. I have seen people paint with cars or trucks, but at my house those are not common toys. Then I had an idea! We just went to a case lot sale at a local grocery store and after storing the ...

Easy Weave Scarf

Last November Little Chef A learned how to weave a scarf at school. She was so proud of her work she gave it to me for Christmas! I thought it was a great craft because she could do it with only one instruction session. I asked if she wanted to make another one to show others how to make it on the blog. She definitely wanted to do this! In fact she was telling me today's the day, its time to start, its time to take pictures, we need to do this today! So in this post I was doing whatever SHE ...

Snowman Dice Game

The Snowman Dice Game is a great game that only requires basic and minimal supplies. Little Chef D had such a fun time playing this game! Little Chef H had a great time pretending to play with us as she drew lots of little circles on her paper. At least they were both having fun! Don't miss the Snowman Dice Game printable at the bottom of this post! The more we played The Snowman Dice Game more details Little Chef D wanted to add. In my key I did not put a flower in the hat like in the ...