year : 2014 79 results

Easter Ideas


The Little Red Hen

This week we read The Little Red Hen by Jerry Pinkney.  This was a new book for Little Chef K.  He enjoyed the illustrations of all the animals, and looked forward to the next part of the story.  While looking for this book at the library we found different interpretations of the story.  At the end of the book the Hen either makes bread, cake, or pizza.  I like the original version of the story, so we went with the bread.  The Little Red Hen is a tale loved by many generations.  It ...

Green Eggs and Ham

This week we are reviewing the book Green Eggs & Ham by Dr. Seuss.  This is a classic book that most people have read.  This book is such a fun read for kids of any age.  This book includes opportunities for reading, rhyming, listening, and remembering the process of the story each time you read.  The book, I feel, portrays a great message - do not be afraid to try new things.  It has been a great lesson for my 4 year old who is a picky eater.  I knew I wanted to make green eggs ...

7 DeliciousValentine’s Day Chocolate Recipes

Valentine's Day has a lot to do with chocolate. We thought we'd share some of our favorite chocolate recipes. These are easy recipes and you might even have all the ingredients in your pantry already. If you need a quick chocolate dessert we have one sure to fit your needs. Chocolate Filled Strawberries Too Much Chocolate Cake with Satiny Glaze Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Milkshake German Chocolate Cake Oreo White Chocolate Chip Cookies Chocolate Bundt Cake Simple Chocolate ...

MercoBox…if you are in Utah you need to read this!

I had the wonderful opportunity to review a MercoBox from MercoLocal. I was excited about this opportunity because I was not even vaguely familiar with this product or company. All I knew was at the beginning of each month MercoBoxes are delivered and each month the customer is surprised with the contents. The common thread is that all the products in the box are from locally owned businesses in Utah. How fun is that! I would like to know what is made here in Utah so that I can support those ...

Stone Soup

We are so excited to post about the book Stone Soup.  There are many different versions of Stone Soup, but they all have the same theme of sharing and caring.  This version, of Stone Soup we enjoyed a lot.  It is about a young boy who "tricks" an older woman into thinking soup can be make from a single stone.  He starts out by begging the old woman for food.  When she does not help this hungry boy, he asks for a stone.  This woman becomes intrigued and opens her kitchen up to the ...

Tortilla Soup

The next soup in the Martha Stewart's Cooking School Cookbook is Tortilla Soup. We were super excited after reading the recipe because our stock was already made and frozen. We had extra chicken from our chicken soup so making the tortilla soup was going to be super easy! We had a little shopping to do to pick up a few extra ingredients.  The chili puree took the longest time but it was easy. This was Little Chef D's assignment. She found it VERY interesting that both chili's began as ...

Chicken Soup

We initially thought making Chicken Soup would be easy now that we have the stock. Well...perhaps it would be, but in following the directions in the Martha Stewart's Cooking School Cookbook it wasn't that easy. We made stock again, but this time we cooked the meat in the stock. So, we did two things at once. Maybe that made it a little better? Once the chicken was cooked, shredded and the stock was strained as explained in the cookbook we refrigerated it all and went off for a few ...

How We Cut Up A Chicken

In order to make Chicken Soup (come back on Friday) we needed to learn how to cut up a chicken. We went to the grocery store and bought a whole chicken. I told my Little Chefs what we were about to do and amazingly they did not have a problem with it, in fact they were excited. They are really enjoying all the new bits of information we are learning. They each took a turn cutting off one part of the chicken as we read the instructions in the Martha Stewart's Cooking School Cookbook.  The ...

Bean Thirteen

This weeks book we have read and had fun with is Bean Thirteen.  The readers meet Ralph and Flora who are insects.  They are picking beans for dinner.  Flora goes to pick bean number 13 and Ralph shouts, Don't do it!.  Ralph believes bean 13 is unlucky.  They try to split the beans evenly for dinner, but to no avail.  There is always one left over.  Will they come up with a solution to their problem? We loved this book not only for its bright illustrations, but because is teaches ...

How To Make White a.k.a. Chicken Stock

White (chicken) stock is the most versatile of all stocks. The process of making a stock is to put a mirepoix into a pot, cover with water and simmer for a given time. A mirpoix is a combination of vegetables that are used to give flavor to the water which transforms into a stock. Do you remember we gave a couple tips about the mirepoix when we talked about 9 Tips For Flavorful Stocks. We wanted the experience of making chicken stock. We followed the directions in the Martha Stewart's ...

What is a stock, broth, bouillon, fond, and fume?

Have you ever wondered what the components are that make up a stock, broth, bouillon, fond and fume? Stock - Martha Stewart says a stock is "made of water simmered with bones (except vegetable stock). The meat on them provided flavor while the bones and gelatinious connective tissue between them, slowly break down and add body to the liquid." (p.39) A frugal stock can be made from the bones and carcasses of a roasted chicken with fresh vegetables. You can save the carcasses in a bag in ...